

英语演讲稿2018-12-21 18:19书业网


*with compliments

and, consequently, marx was the best-hated and most calumniated man of his time. governments, both absolutist and republican, deported him from their territories. bourgeois, the conservative or ultra democratic, view with one another in heaping slanders cobweb, ignoring it, answering only when extreme necessity compelled him. and he died beloved, revered and mourned by millions of revolutionary fellow workers─from the mines of siberia to california. in parts of europe and america─and i make bold to say that though. he may have had many opponents he had hardly one personal enemy.
his name will endure through the ages, and so also will his work!
in the national rejoicing and pride, the french people send brotherly greetings to their gallant allies, who, like themselves and for the same cause, have sustained so many hardships over such a long period, to their heroic armies and to those commanding them, and to all those men and women who, throughout the world, fought, suffered and worked so that the cause of liberty and justice might ultimately prevail.
在这举国欢腾、扬眉吐气的时刻,法国人向英勇的同盟国致以兄弟般的敬礼。他们和我们一样,为了相同的事业,在过去漫长的岁月中,历尽艰难困苦。法国人民还向盟军的英勇战士和指挥官们致敬,向全世界一切为争取自由和正义的最后胜利而战斗、受难和工作的兄弟姊妹们致敬。 [赞美式英语演讲结尾欣赏(共2篇)]



*By Appealing

Wherefore, O judge, be good cheer about death, and know of a

certainty, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death. He and his are not neglected by the gods;

nor has my own approaching end happened by mere chance. But I see clearly that the time had arrived when it was better for me to die and be released from trouble wherefore the oracle gave no sign. For which reason, also, I am not angry with my condemners, or with my accusers;

they have done men harm, although they did not mean to do me any good;

and for this I may gently blame them.

Still I have a favour to ask of them. When my sons are grown up, I would ask you, O my friends, to punish them;

and I would have you trouble them, as I have troubled you, if they seem to care about


riches, or anything, more than about virtue;

or if they pretend to be something when they are really nothing, ─then reprove them, as I have reproved you, for not caring about that for which they ought to care, and thinking that they are something when they are really nothing. And if you do this, both I and my sons will have received justice at your hands.

The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways─I to die,

and you to live. Which is better God only knows.




I, general De Gaulle, speaking from London, invited the French officers and soldiers who may be in British territory now or at a later date, with their arms or without their arms─I invent the

engineers and the workers skilled in the manufacture of armaments who may be;

now or in the future, on British soil─to get in touch with me.

Whatever may come, the flames of French resistance must never be extinguished;

and it will not extinguish.

Tomorrow, as I have today, I shall speak over the London Broadcast.




On the whole, sir, I can not help expressing a wish that every member of the convention who may still have objections to it, would, with me, on this occasion, doubt a little of his own infallibility, and, to make manifest our unanimity, put his name to this instrument. 总的来说,先生们,我情不自禁地要表达一个愿望:让每一个仍然反对这部宪法的与会者,在这个场合都与我一起稍稍怀疑一下,自己是否一贯正确,并且,为了表明我们的一致意见,请都在这份文件上签上自己的名字。

I preach to you, then, my countrymen, that our country calls for the life of ease, but for the life of strenuous endeavor. The

twentieth century looms before us big with the fate of many nations. If we stand idly by, if we seek merely swollen, slothful ease, and ignoble peace, if we shrink from the hard contests where men must win at hazard of their lives and at the risk of all they hold dear, then the bolder and stronger peoples will pass us by and will win for therefore the domination of the world. Let us therefore boldly face the life of strife, resolute to do our duty well and manfully;

resolute to uphold righteousness by deed and by word;

resolute to be both honest and brave, to serve high ideals, yet to use practical methods. Above all, let us shrink from no strike, moral or physical, within or without the nation, provided we are certain that the strife is justified;

for it is only through strife, through hard and dangerous endeavor, that we shall ultimately win the goal of true national greatness.



*With Agitation Appeal#鼓动号召结尾术欣赏 Fly then to arms: let a holy rage animate you in the fight, and let the Christian world resound with these words of the prophet, "Cursed be he who does not stain his sword with blood!"

If the calls you to the defense of His heritage think not that His legions angels or breathe one word and all his enemies would crumble away into dust? But God has considered the sons of men, to open for them the road to His mercy. His goodness has caused to dawn for you a day of safety by calling on you to avenge His glory and His name. Christian warriors, He who gave His life for you, today demands yours in return. These are combats worthy of you, combat in which it is glorious to conquer and advantageous to die. Illustrious knights, generous defenders of the Cross, remember the examples of your fathers who conquered Jersusale, and whose names are inscribed in Heaven;

abandon then the things that perish, to gather unfading palms, and conquer a Kingdom which has no end.--From St. Bernard:"A Second Crusade"



And love, young men, loves and venerates the ideal. The ideal is the word of God. High above every country, high above humanity, is the country of spirit, the city of the soul, in which all are brethren who believe in the inviolability of thought and in the dignity of our immortal soul;

and the baptism of this fraternity is martyrdom. From that high sphere spring the principles, which alone can redeem the peoples. Arise from the sake of these, and not from impatience of suffering or dread of evil, anger, pride, ambition, and the desire of material prosperity are arms common alike to the peoples and their oppressors, and even should you conquer with these today, you would fall again tomorrow, but principles belong to the peoples alone and their oppressors can find no arms to oppose them. Adore enthusiasm, the dreams of the virgin soul, and the visions of early youth, for they are a perfume of paradise, which the soul retains in issuing from the hands of its Creator. Respect above all things your conscience;

have upon our lips the truth implanted by God in your hearts, and, while laboring in harmony, even with those who differ from you, in all that tends to the emancipation of our soil, yet ever bear your own banner erect and boldly promulgate your own faith. Such words, young men, would the martyrs of Cosines have spoken, had they been living amongst you;

and here, where it may be that, invoked by our love, their holy spirits hover near us, I call upon you to gather them up in your hearts and to make of them a treasure amid the storms that yet threaten you;

storms which, with the name of our martyrs on your lips and their faith in your hearts, you will overcome. God be with you, and lest Italy! 年轻人啊,热爱理想、崇敬理想吧。理想是上帝的语言。高于所有国家和人类的是精神的王国,是灵魂的故乡。在那儿,所有的人都是兄弟,相信思想不容侵犯,相信我们不朽的灵魂是神圣的。这充满博爱的洗礼可称得上是一种殉道。惟有出自那种崇高境界的原则能够拯救各民族。你们要为实现这些原则而奋斗,不要因为邪恶、愤怒、自大、野心以及物质欲望使你们受苦、使你们害怕、使你们难以忍受而奋起。今天这些都是武器取得的胜利,明天你们还是会失败的。唯有原则是属于人民的,压迫者找不到战胜原则的武器。崇高奔放的热情,追求贞洁灵魂的理想和青春的憧憬吧,因为这是灵魂从造物主手中得到的天堂的芳香。你们必须尊重良心,视良心高于一切其他事物。你们口中只能说上帝永远和你们的心在一起。在解放咱们的国土的一切努力中,要团结一致,甚至要团结和你们意见有分歧的人,同时要高举你们自己的旗帜,大胆地传播你们的信仰。



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