

培训总结2019-02-22 08:05书业网


I am very happy to participate the English training which is organized by our college for teacher from last semester to this year. From the training I have made some progress in my English. At the same time I know a lot of new colleagues and friends. I want to thank our college and leadership for giving us this chance to further study. And I want to thank Mr. WANG、Mr. ZHANG and Mr. LI for giving me wonderful class.

Our college attaches great importance to the English training. At the first class of the training, Mr. WANG , the Vice President of our college gave us the lecture to hope us cherish the training and got some harvest.In general,I have three harvest through this English training.

The first one is that I made some progress in listening writing reading and talking. After graduated from university, Ihave little opportunity to study and use English. Although I passed the CET-6 examination when I was sophomore, I forgot most of them after many years. Through this English training, I got back some of English ability in listening writing reading and talking. It is good feeling.

The second one is that we know a lot of new colleagues and friends.I work in the school for two years, but I feel embarrassed that I just know few of colleagues who were from other department. From this training, different colleagues from different department study and discuss together. So we have good chance to know each other.

The last on is that we can Improve the teaching level. We have own

teaching methods in teacher student. Some methods are good, maybe some are not good. So in the training, we not only study English but also we can discuss the different teaching methods. And from the discuss we can learn from other teacher's methods.

Finally, Thanks for the concern from all the superiors! Thanks for the support from all the colleagues! And Thanks to Mr. WANG、Mr. ZHANG and Mr. LIfor what you have done!



on christmas eve XX, a group of 9 postgraduates under the supervision of 4 formal staffs in china financial service group ltd. (cfsg)

traveled to dafushan park for 2 main purposes: enjoying the beautiful nature scenery, and learning teamwork skills.

the 9 postgraduates were actually on the 4th day of their orientation programme in cfsg, they are about to graduate with master degree from top un iversities around different places, passed 3 levels of interviews, finally they were considered as candidates with the opportunity of 2 months’ orientation programme. candidates were

taken care by the 4 staffs in the cfsg, who are the trainers from the human resource department. after an hours’ driving, the team arrived dafushan park in the south of guangzhou. i was one of the candidates. then we hired bicycles and ride either in pairs or individually in the park. although it was in winter, the weather was perfectly fine, sunny and warm. the sky was rrrwm blue, the sunshine was nice, and wind was gentle. after 20 minutes’ riding, we arrived a place by a lake; there were flowers nearby; colours like red, green and yellow unfolded a beautiful nature.

despite enjoying such fascinating views, we started the 1st part of the teamwork learning: efficient communication. the group were divided into 5 pairs, 2 members in each pair, one in each pair was required to cover his/her eyes with an eye patch, and the other had the task of guiding his/her partner with voice and body communication. then lisa who is one of the trainers walked randomly, each pair was required to follow lisa’s step in round one. however, in round two each pair member changed their position, www.rrrwm following all the same rules but without the aid of body touch. all pairs performed

well in round one; while in round two, some fell down and some finished the task quite satisfactorily. we discussed our own

understanding through the experiment, and we concluded the importance of efficient communication in terms of achieving overall team objective. when playing as a leader, correct and immediate

information should be provided in accordance of specific conditions. when being leaded, mutual trust as well as accepting the information what the leader provided should be put ahead of everything. based on such concept, the one who is being leaded can, from some extent make more formal decision. however, compared to round one with the assistance of body communication; in round two, when there is no guider beside, cooperation became quite tough, leaders are suggested to think about the position of the one being leaded.

we had a special bbq in the park. females were responsible for

preparing the food, and males set up the fire. we ate food and drank beverage, smiling, and joking so happily. after the bbq, we ride to another side in the park, where is even more comfortable than the

place in the morning. and we were prepared to learn the other part of teamwork: what teamwork is.

xuxu who is also another trainer in cfgs announced the rule:

initially, two people sit down back by back with their legs flatten, holding their arms tightly, without losing the arm connection or touching any area on the ground, they should stand up. and if they succeed, one more join in until the team cannot stand up. we observed that the first group can hardly stand up, it became much easier with few added in. however, when the number of the team members exceeded 9 or 10, standing up turned to be difficult again. we were lucky to learn the art of teamwork so completely: the trainers pointed out that, with a given task, a team is normally made up of more or equal than 3 people; with more people included in, coordinative work become

complex, and even can influence the goal of the team. coordinated works involves in cooperation and even sacrifice.

on the way riding the car park, we came across with the view of the trees with their (转 载于:www.zaIdian.cOM 在 点 网)mirror in the river. we took snapshots with new friends met in these days in such wonderful sight. i regard it as another growth in my life after 6 year’s academic learning in the universities. also i become familiar with the meaning of teamwork,

and how to be a team member. i believe i am prepared in the next step. thanks to cfgs, and the trainers in the human resource department.



新康府小学 44号








和孩子们 一起寻找答案,在探究英语的道路上教师成为学生的伙伴和知心朋友。


英语课以语言为对象,强调以任务入手,放眼看周围世界,培养学生的英语能力,这个就是知识点。我通过此次学习之后,明确了英语课最终的落脚点是不仅仅在知识上,还要能解决将来在工作、生活中可能遇到的问题,最终让孩子通过学习 英语来达到交流的目的,以此为最终目标。教师必须从以下几个方面来培养学生好习惯:





听了老师们精心准备的课,让我明确了教学过程不仅是一个特殊的认识过程,同时还是一个师生情感共融、共同成长、共同探求新知的完整的生活过程。因此,教师教学行为将发生巨大的转变,尊重学生人格、尊重学生选择,要超越书本,发表独立见解,教师要大胆创新,使教学成为充满创意和激情的过程,要解放学生,为学生创设自由思想和自由选择的空间,学会宽容学生的错误,鼓励学生质疑,学会以孩子的眼光看孩子。还要注意向学生学习, 师生共同成长。在教学总体目标上注意兴趣,体验成功和培养自 2



作为一名教师,我知道了怎样的课才算是一堂好课。不仅包括师生互动,以学生为主体等,但我觉得关键还有对教材的把握,通过培训使我明白了,我要用教材教学生,而不是教教材,可以创造性地使用教材,围绕课标可删可增,另外要锻炼学生的实践能力,也就是听、说、读、写的能力,也就是说在课堂中,Pairwork和 Groupwork部分不但要练,还要让每一个学生都能参与其中,勇于张口,使课堂气氛活跃而有秩序,让学生都能找到自己的定位,真正喜欢上英语课堂。

其次,创造一种轻松愉快的学习环境,这也是提高学生学习兴趣不可忽视的一个方面。现代心理学家认为:“凡是被学生认为不愉快的事,不如被他们认为愉快的事记得牢,不愉快的事往往不经意识就为知觉所抵制。”如果学生一想到上英语就怕、一见到英语老师就心慌,那么他们就很难学好英语了。为了培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使他们消除害怕心理,在上课时,我尽量要求自己做到声音响亮,在适当的时候,带点有关的笑料,补充有关背景材料,有时深入浅出,讲个有关的小故事,无非在乎加深理解,这种生动的形式,对差生尤其重要。只有他们听得进,才有可能谈得上吸收知识。苏霍姆林斯基指出:“有经验的教师是用讲课的内容来‘拴住’学生对教师的讲述和讲解的注意力的。”又说:“请你记住, 3



通过这次学习,我更深切的体会到“英语的工具性”的重要性。语言是一个载体,是一种工具,它的目的是交流。要想熟练的使用这个工具来达到交流的目的,它就应该是听、说、读、写四项基本技能的综合,最后以“说”的形式呈现出来。 4

然而,在实际英语教学过程中,迫于升学压力和各种考试的检测手段以及教学条件的限制,有些时候,我们难免做得有些本末倒置,把大量精力放在阅读写作等技能的训练上,而忽视了 “说”这个语言最基本的技能,忽视了学生口语表达能力的提高,从而把英语学成了“哑巴英语”。因而,只有运用灵活多样的教学方法,才能充分调动学生学习的积极性,激发学生的知识潜能,改变“单调压抑”的课堂模式,向英语口语化的课堂迈进,向充分互动的课堂迈进。



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