

导游词2019-03-11 10:01书业网


福建土楼 故里南靖







朝北、前高后低;楼址后山较高,则楼建得高一些或离山稍远一些,既可避风防潮,又能使楼、山配置和谐等。裕昌楼就基本符合这些要求。这些讲究,无疑与地质地理学、生态学、景观学、建筑学、伦理学、美学都有密切关系,换言之,与中原传统文化有密切关系。. 人们常说“罗马不是一天建成的!”;同样建一座土楼也需至少3——4年的时间;裕昌楼在建时要经过“选址定位、开挖地基、打石脚、行墙、献架、出水、内外装修等”七道工序!他高5层18.2米,共有房269间,占地2289平方米,建筑面积6358.2平方米,土木结构,通廊式圆楼;第一层墙厚1.8米,往上逐层减缩10厘米,最顶层也不会少于90 厘米。虽然不是钢筋水泥铸造,但一样坚固无比,土枪土炮也拿他没办法!墙顶还有?望台、射击孔;三层以上才开窗,有利掩蔽和射击防御,而且以前的窗很小,现在的是后期和平年代凿开加大的;大门更是用特殊杂木制成,刀枪不入;遇到火攻,门上还有设灌水槽,真是气走强盗,浪费兵啊!大家不要看他外围都是土墙,里面可就都是木了,等一下我们进去就可以一探究竟。看,这是该楼的大门,大家看看这幅对联,有没有哪位同学发现它有什么问题么?其实呢,大家看对联上下联的第一个字,分别是什么啊?裕和昌,对阿,这不正是裕昌楼的名字。不要说我们裕昌楼了,其他土楼也都是这样命名的。我们走近一点看看大门,木制的大门有十几厘米厚,大家可以试推一下,很重吧,我推都推不动,这也足以想象他的坚固,往大门上方看,还可以看见以前设置水槽的痕迹。






从外观看,裕昌楼像一个紧密团结的圆形大团体,但楼内又建有圆形的祖堂,形成了“双环楼”。 大家可以看到,大门直对着的中庭还有一座圆楼,这是全楼的中心,也是土楼社会活动的场所,祖堂!祖堂大门朝东,有“紫气东来”的含义。门内地板上,可以看到用鹅卵石镶嵌成五行图案——金、木、水、火、土,这些象形文字是中国建筑文化内涵丰富的表现!它们既是避邪符号,又代表五个姓氏的业主。祖堂有三个门,正门是喜门、左边是生门,右边是丧门。从这三门出入有严格楼规民约:凡办喜事或求神拜佛从喜门进出;凡祈求小孩平安长大,有所作为,从生门进出;凡办丧事从死门进出。我们今天来游览、参观,是好日子,当然要从喜门入,喜门出,图个吉利!



















Overlview of Zhangzhou Touristry 漳州旅游概要

Known as “City of flowers and fruits” and “hometown of fish and rice”, Zhangzhou is a historic and cultural city, famous for its rich produce. It produces a lot of “6 famous fruits” (tangerines, lichis, bananas, longans, pomelos, and pineapples) and “3 famous flowers” (Narcissus, camellia, and orchid), as well as valuable seafood, including prawns, groupers, abalones, lobsters, mud crab, scallops, oysters, mud clams and squids. Narcissus, medicine “Pianzihuang”, and “Inkpad” produced locally are known as “three treasures” of Zhangzhou”, famous both in China and abroad. The tourism handicrafts of puppet carving, seashell pictures and jade carvings of the nine-dragon wall are very popular among Chinese and foreign tourists.

Zhangzhou is a famous hometown for the overseas Chinese and Taiwanese. Over 700,000 people from Zhangzhou are now living in Hong Kong and Macao. About one third of the population in Taiwan is originally from Zhangzhou. It has become a destination of pilgrimage and paying visits to their native hometown for the overseas Chinese and Taiwan patriots.

1. Zhangzhou southeast Flower Capital -- Flower Museum Park 东南花都——花博园

National AAAA scenic site, it is located at Makou Town, the northeast of Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province. Covering an area of 7800 Mu, it is the largest modern ecological agriculture park and the largest flower producer in Fujian Province. It is a multi-functional ecological tourism base which integrates flower trading with shopping, recreation, sightseeing, ecological tourism, outdoor exercise and training. Inside the scenic spot, there is a flower museum, a nursery, a scientific park, a service park and the main exhibition hall. Facilities for recreation are available for archery, swimming, angling, and boating. There is also a flower supermarket and a holiday resort. Fresh melons and fruits, seafood, and local delicacies are served all year round.

2. National geological Park and Zhangzhou Coastal Volcano 漳州滨海火山 国家地质公园

The national geological park is located along the coast of Zhangpu and Longhai of Zhangzhou Municipality, Fujian Province.

Covering an area of 100 km2, it is a typical Age 3 volcano geographical park, composed of “two mountains, two islands and three bays”. The geological geomorphologic terrain was formed by the central eruption of the volcano and the wind and sea erosion between 28.61 million and 15.41 million years ago, due to the movement of Himalayas. It reflects the movement of the new generation of volcanoes and the involvement of the geological structure in the west Pacific Ocean. A batch of physiognomic wonders, such as the volcano outlet in the shape of eight diagrams (for fortune telling), “plum flower pole”, the column of bubble holes, corals, fish-scale shaped stone water fall, sea eroded caves, sea eroded cliffs have been created by nature, hence the name of marine terra cotta.

3. Zhangpu Tianfu Tea Museum漳浦天福茶博物院 National AAAA scenic spot and national agriculture demonstration site, it is Located at Pantuo Township, the side of No 324 State highway, the west of Zhanpu County.

Tianfu Group’s headquarter covers a ground space of 80 MU and is the largest tea museum in the world. It consists of four exhibition halls: the main exhibition hall, the Classroom for the Chinese tea art, the hall for Japanese tea, and an art gallery.

The main exhibition hall displays the tea culture of the world, the

history of Chinese tea development, the procedure of tea processing, tea art and tea-ware, tea poems/paintings, and tea and health.

The statue of the “Fire seed passed from one generation to another”: Standing at the entrance of the temple, the statue is unique in design. It displays an cow pulling a cart with a calf and the old is teaching the young how to work, indicating the tea culture passed from one generation to another.

The classroom of the Chinese tea art: Each day there are 5-6 shows of the tea art and tea courtesy of different Chinese ethnic groups from different dynasties.

4. Mangrove at Zhang River Estuary 漳江口红树林

National natural reserve, it is located in the estuary of Zhang River at Yunxiao County, Fujian Province.

The mangrove at Zhang River Estuary grows naturally on the beach of the tidal zone, covering an area of 2360 ha. It is the mangrove of the largest scale, the most diversified species and the best growing north of the equator. Among them, Baigurang species occupies of 20 ha. and is an evergreen arbor tree species, with grey tree bark. Under the mangrove are many marine organisms, including skip fish,

lobsters, crabs, mud clams, sea snails, and eels. The mangrove area is also inhabited by green-head ducks, grey wild geese, bean wild geese, black-mouth gulls, and aigrette. There are a number of endangered species; including two Class I state protected animals, one most endangered species, six endangered species, two

threatened species, 19 state class-II protected animals, 77 migrating birds under the protection of the Sino-Japanese agreement, 41

migrating birds under the protection of the Sino-Australian Agreement. In a

ddition, there are also many seaweeds growing under the mangrove, having formed a unique natural ecological view.

5. Dongshan Fengdong Rock东山风动石

A National AAAA scenic spot located at the east end of Tonglin Town, Dongshan County, Fujian Province. Accessible directly by bus, it is 120 km from Zhangzhou city, 135 km from Shantou and 209 km from Xiamen.

Fengdong Rock scenic site covers an area of 15 hectares. The major tourist attractions include Fengdongshi, Guandi Temple, ancient Tongshan Town, Hukongdiyu, Shisenbaita, Diaoaotai,

Xianmianchuang, Baozhi Temple, Chenghuang Temple, Huang

Daozhou Memorial Hall, Dongshan Museum, the residential relics of Huang Daozhou, stele corridor, folk custom corner, Mural of Sun rock, Guizi Rock, octagon ancient well.

6. Longhai Mercy Temple 龙海慈济宫

A State-level protected cultural relic located at Baijiao Village,

Jiaomei Township, Longhai city, Fujian Province. It is 30 km from the Zhangzhou city. It was built during the Year Songjingyou, over 900 years ago. Covering an area of 1609.5 km2, the temple has been well protected.

Mercy Temple is a palace museum in South Fujian Province,

belonging to the original temple of Baosheng Imperia and the original temple for Taiwan Baosheng Imperia Temple. The temple faces the south and was built in the background of the mountains, rising with the mountain terrain. Starting from the central axis, the temple has a front hall, the door yard, veranda, central hall and rear hall, from the southwest to the northeast. On the two sides of the door yard, there is a bell building and a drum building. The main tourist attraction

includes Longquanjing (dragon spring well), Jizhaoding, large stone

lions, Feitian yueshi (flying music angel).

7. Sanping Temple 三平寺

A National AAAA scenic spot located in the Sanping Gorge in the territory of Wenfeng Town of Pinghe County, the Southwest of

Zhangzhou city, Fujian Province. It covers a total area of over 4000 m2.

The temple has three halls and two gates (internal and external), and an internal door and a gate to the mountain. There are daxionbaodian, Zudian, Tadian, known as Sanluoban locally. On the opposite of the gate to the scenic spot, there stands a giant marble sculpture of the founder of the temple. The axis of the three halls is shaped as moving snake, which is unique in the temple architecture in China. Centered at Sanping temple, which is over 1000 years old, the central scenic spot covers an area of 12 km2, including Sanping Temple, Guanji Park, Yinke Park, Cilang Pavilion, Maoshi Cave, Turtle Mountain, Tiger Forest, Hupa Spring, Longrui Waterfall, and the Memorial Hall commemorating the joining of the Red Army forces, hence the name of 8 ancient scenic spots and 24 modern scenic spots. It attracts a lot of visitors especially when ceremonies are held each year on lunar January 6th to celebrate the birthday of the founder of the temple, on lunar June 6th to mark the anniversary of the founder entry to religion, and on lunar November 6th to celebrate the anniversary of the death the founder of the temple.

8. Nanjing Tianluokeng Earth-building Group


A key national cultural relics, it is a large scale residential building group, with a grand outlook. Standing on the middle of the mountain, facing the south, it is composed of five earth buildings. The square building, called Buyunlou (Cloud stepping building) stands in the middle, and surrounded by three round buildings (Ruiyun Buiding, Hechang Building and Zhenchang Building) and one elliptical building (Wenchang Building).

Five buildings were built according to the positions of “gold, wood, water, fire, and earth”, and not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for the function of fortification.






田螺坑土楼群由五座土楼组成,中间一座为方楼,围绕四周的有三座圆楼和一座椭圆楼。站在这里往下俯瞰,像一朵盛开的梅花点缀在大地上。如果我们站在坡底的公路上抬头往上看,田螺坑土楼群犹如西藏的布达拉宫庄严肃穆。 好啦!现在请你们自由活动,请大家不要伤害这里的一草一木,请不要乱扔垃圾,破坏环境,另外请大家注意安全。下午三点来这集合。


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