

导游词2018-04-19 06:07书业网

篇一:磁湖简介 英文

Hello, everyone, glad to meet you. I am Lynette, your tour guide from China International Travel Service. I hope that you will have funny day in Huangshi. Now, let me introduce you something about Cihu, the sight you will visit next.

Cihu lake, located in Huangshi city center, covers an area of 10 square kilometers which is larger than West Lake in Hangzhou. Cihu lake is famous for abounding in magnet, which is among the top of the national urban lake in China. In Song dynasty, Sushi, a famous litterateur,was ever relegated to huangzhou. His brother Suzhe went to visit him, when Suzhe was on his way to huangzhou, he was stopped by the storm. So he had a stay in huangshi. Sushi sent a poem to welcome his brother. And Suzhe wrote back a poem which said about the beautiful lake of huangshi. And people carved his poem into a stele ,which was called sugongshi. Cihu, the lake in the center of Huangshi city, and located besides the Qingshan mountain, has a huge city resource which is rare in the world. However, it is a pity that the advantage of huangshi has not shown up because the construction of Cihu is unmatched with the development of the city.


Name: Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge 断桥残雪

Though the name of the bridge dates back to poems in Tang Dynasty, the bridge became famous because of one of the best-known love stories in Chinese folklore.

According to the legend of White Snake, the beautiful girl who was actually a white snake met Xu Xian on the bridge in the rain and they fell in love with each other and an umbrella they used became the symbol of their love. The bridge was also the scene where they made up after a long series of ups and downs.

Thanks to the love story between the human and the immortal, the broken bridge attracts numerous visitors and has its legendary reputation spread far and wide all over China. Many people believe the bridge is the number one place for people in love.

Rain or shine, you can enjoy the lake views from the bridge in all seasons. The seasonal scenery changes at the bridge itself are equally

breathtaking, especially when the snow begins melting in sunshine in the winter.

Once in a fine day after a snowfall, standing on the bridge and looking toward the northwest at the Solitary Hill and Ge Hill, one can see the hills and buildings covered with snow and the lake and hills look crystal clear. Although the snowy beauty of the scenery is a little bit chilly and lonely, many people regard it better than noisy greens and reds in other seasons and they believe the Broken Bridge fully deserves the top position it has enjoyed for hundreds of years as the best one of the Ten Westlake Scenic Spots.

Presumably, the West Lake in a fine day is no better than in rain, in rain no better than in moonlight, in moonlight no better than in snow. Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge provides a proof to justify the vivid description.

Name: Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake 平湖秋月

Though the Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake refers nowadays to a fixed location and one of the top ten attractions around the West Lake, it was in the South Song Dynasty a general reference to the autumn nights when people went boating on the lake appreciating the bright moon and enjoying the cool breeze.

The poetic reference stayed general until the Qing Dynasty when Emperor Kangxi summed up his sightseeing tour in Hangzhou and named the top ten West Lake attractions. A stone tablet was erected with the Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake inscribed on it at a location near the Solitary Hill and the

west end of the Bai Causeway. Since then the lakeside spot has been the pronoun for the autumnal night boat trips on the lake.

A boat trip on the lake or sitting leisurely by the placid lake at a moonlit night has long since been acknowledged as one of the best human experiences of nature.

Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake is the best location for such a night. Sitting and leaning over the window on the top floor of the pavilion-like waterfront building, you can command a broad view of all the lake and surrounding hills.

The moon is bright over the calm Lake, the water and the sky merge in one color; cool breezes, the lake and the moon are of one; willow trees and flowers show different charms in moonlight; people and the moon have a private conversation. Time and space are beyond human reach, but seeing each other at such a night on the lake is a pleasure human beings can enjoy. All the human vicissitudes vanish through centuries, but the changing moon is eternal. The moon in autumn may not be as soft as spring breeze, and the spring breeze is still jealous of the brightness of the autumn moon. Since 1950s Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake has been refurbished and

extended several times. The whole location is full of flowers and plants punctuated by artificial rocks. Pavilions and storied wood buildings beside lake are merged nicely with the scenery. Winter days and summer breezes are all enchanting while tourists looking out from these buildings see the moon over the lake and the wooded hills on the other side. The landscape brings all kinds of emotions to tourists. It is a nice location where you can lounge quietly appreciating the moon, you can sip the tea, or take a stroll along the lakeside path, or find a place in the wood and spend sometime sitting idly in the shadow, thinking nothing and feeling everything.

Name: Lotus Flowers in the Breezing Winding Courtyard 曲院风荷

Quyuan Park (Crooked Courtyard) is situated near the mouth of Jinshajian Stream, the biggest natural water supply into the West Lake.

In the South Song Dynasty a royal wine workshop was set up here. In the lake next to the winery stood a large area of lotuses waggling and dancing a little bit intoxicatingly in summer breezes. Visitors felt wonderful with both the scenery and wine while aromas of lotus flowers and wine were wafting in the air. The spot got its fame as one of the top ten best attractions in that dynasty and has kept its charm in colors and odors since then.

The park covers an area of 14 hectares, subdivided into three sections of the crooked courtyard, lotus flower area and waterfront wooded area.

A geographic hub of the West Lake landscape, the crooked courtyard links with the Yuehu Lake on the east and leads to Guos’ Estate on the south

by the Su Causeway. On the north, it adjoins the Yue Fei Tomb, Bamboo Garden and Hangzhou Botanical Garden.

Though no longer a winery, the crooked courtyard is the vantage spot for viewing lotus in full blossom in the summer. The beauty of the park lies in its wide range of lotus plants of various species. While in furious blossom, the lotus flowers show off reds, golds and whites in different figures and forms. Broad leaves spread leisurely on the limpid lake waters and low bridges zigzag among flowers. Such a view makes visitors forget themselves.

Name: Su Causeway in Spring Dawn 苏堤春晓

Su Causeway became a tourist attraction as early as 1090. That year, Su Dongpo, a famous poet in the Song Dynasty and the governor of Hangzhou, had the lake dredged. The silt and debris were piled up and formed into a causeway. In order to honor the poet governor, local people named the Causeway after him. Today’s causeway is the result of many refurbishing projects over centuries. Romanticized as Spring Dawn by Su Causeway, the scenery has stayed on the top of the best ten resorts around the West Lake since the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).

Ranged with peach, willow, magnolia and hibiscus trees, the

2.8-kilometer-long Su Causeway spans the West Lake from the Nanping Hill in the south to the Qixia Hill in the north.Along the Causeway stand six single-span stone arch bridges by the name of Yingbo (reflecting the waves), Suolan (locking the waves), Wangshan (looking at distant hills), Yadi (causeway ballast), Dongpu (eastern ford), Kuahong (spanning rainbow).

When spring comes, willow trees swing slightly in the breeze. Peach trees are full of blooms, giving out intoxicating fragrance. Six bridges are the best place to enjoy springtime. At dawn, the lake is so serene that only chirps of birds can be heard. The lake surface mirrors the sky and bridge reflections. Peach blossoms resemble smiling faces. Walking on the causeway, one can look at the lake and the surrounding hills, absorbing all the visual and aural pleasures created by the breathtaking panorama.





在这里我想问一下大家,各位觉得西湖水是死水还是活水?呵呵 都不是,西湖水是半死不活水,因为西湖水现在通过人工换水,每隔33天彻底换一次水。所以不是死水也非天然活水。

好了,现在我们右手边看到这座塔是雷锋塔。原名叫黄妃塔为五代十国时期吴越国国王钱弘?m所建。当年吴越国国王钱弘淑膝下无子,便到灵隐寺求子。主持点化他,需建金塔一座。钱听后甚为忧虑,便说到:举全国之力建金塔一座。可也!但劳民伤财寡人不愿也!主持乐道:此“经”塔非彼“金”塔。此为经书之塔。所以我们现在的雷峰塔的每块塔砖都是由杭州灵隐寺监制,并刻有佛经《一切如来心秘密全身舍利宝箧印陀罗尼经》经卷。塔建次年,有一黄姓妃子为钱产下一子。故此塔命名为黄妃塔。但时过境迁,很多人忘记了其旧名。便取塔下雷公山之名为此塔名。得名:雷锋塔。说到此。大家都会想到与雷峰塔密切相关的一则中国古代经典爱情故事:白蛇传。传说白娘子就被困于雷峰塔下。西湖水干,雷峰塔倒,白娘子出。1924年9月25日下午1点40分,雷峰塔轰然倒下,这被鲁迅认为标志了压迫中国两千年的男尊女卑封建思想时代的彻底结束。为此,鲁迅曾写过一篇文章:论雷锋塔的倒下。他在文中就把白娘子比作以前中国的妇女,把雷峰塔比作压在中国妇女头上的封建专制和礼教的象征。过去的中国妇女是没什么地位的,并且女子还要讲究三从四德等等。所以鲁迅先生说雷峰塔倒的好啊,雷峰塔倒后呢中国妇女就翻身解放了。现在确实如此哦,以前女子们讲究三从四德,现在则变成了男人们也要讲三从四德了!各位男同志们要注意听好了: 老婆出门要跟从;老婆命令要服从;老婆讲错要盲从!老婆化妆要等得;老婆花钱要舍得;老婆生气要忍得;老婆生日要记得!


反复论证塔的高度,为什么呢?因为建塔的高度要和西湖周边的景观相协调,不能太高,也不能太矮。于是呢,在西湖东、南、西、北各设了四个观察点。在现在雷峰塔的位置放置了一个热气球。来反复计算塔的高度。结果计算出的高度就是61.9米。后来有人把这个高度拿出以前的资料和旧雷峰的高度相对比结果居然差了没多少,可见以前古人建塔的时候 已经考虑到塔的高度要和西湖周边景观相协调了。塔底为古塔残存遗迹。

好的各位现在我们看到前方那座山峰就是吴山天风。公元钱492年吴王夫差在太湖与越军大战, 越王勾践溃不成军,败退会稽时兵不足五千。勾践俯首称臣二国以钱塘江为界,据说此山为吴国最南面的一座山故称为吴山,也有说是为纪念伍子虚而叫伍公山。山上建筑高41.6米为我国最大的城隍庙。供奉的是杭州城隍老爷周新。明永乐三年(1405),广东海南人周新调任浙江按察使。在杭平反冤狱疑案,免征灾税,善政甚多,杭人称"冷面寒铁周廉使"。周新因得罪东厂在京被陷害死,杭人纷纷为其鸣不平,明成祖朱棣为安抚民心谎称梦见周新做了杭州城隍老爷,并旨在吴山建城隍庙祭祀。城隍阁为欣赏西湖风光绝佳之处。明代徐渭曾提名联“八百里湖山知是何年图画;十万家烟火尽归此处楼台”。

好的,各位团友。在我们左手边的这个岛屿就是与三潭印月,阮公墩,合称“蓬莱三岛”的湖心亭岛,。湖心亭为“蓬莱”,三潭印月为“瀛洲”,阮公墩是“方丈”。如果以西湖为圆,此岛即为西湖这个圆的中心,故名湖心亭。“湖心平眺”是钱塘十景之一。站在湖心亭处眺望西湖,水光山色,尽收眼底,西湖风光,一览无余。 乾隆和康熙皇帝下江南游杭州西湖的时候,一定会游览湖心亭。细心的朋友会发现湖心亭是黄色琉璃瓦顶,按照中国古代的制度此为皇家专用,老百姓是不可以随便用的。那正是因为乾隆特别喜欢此亭而特意恩赐的。在湖心亭旁有石碑一块便是乾隆留下的。上书“虫二”两字。虫子的虫上面多一横,一二三四的二,不知大家是否可以猜出其中的含义。当年一班文臣面对乾隆用茶水写出的这两字也是一头雾水。到是过来倒茶的茶童无意间说出了其中奥妙,“好一个风月无边” 当然此茶童也非普通人,此人乃是杭州知府命一举人假扮的。

在我们江南,喝茶时有一习俗就来源于此 。在南方,当别人给您倒茶时,你要用手指在茶桌上敲3敲表示感谢。当年乾隆在杭州西湖边品茶论道时说过“一日三绝,为人生一大幸事。”在此解释一下,其中有两个绝处被称为”杭州双绝”,指的是“龙虎斗”:即龙井(茶)配虎跑(泉),一为天下第一名茶,一为天下第三名泉,故称“杭州双绝”;这最后一绝自然是指西湖风光。话说这一日,乾隆皇帝在西湖边玩的兴起,便顺手帮身边陪同的几个大臣倒起了茶。大家知道皇帝老儿赐东西都是要谢恩的,更何况是亲自倒茶。若是在宫里,这几个受宠若惊的官员肯定忙不恃的要磕头谢恩了。但苦于乾隆此次出宫前要求不能暴露其皇帝身份。情急之下,聪明的纪晓岚便用两个手指代表双腿,中间一指代表脑袋,在桌上连点了三下表示叩谢龙恩的意思。再说杭州灵隐寺之所以至今大门紧闭,也是当年乾隆寻花问柳回去晚了又不愿意暴露身份而被主持吃了个闭门羹。回京之后乾隆便下令永远关闭灵隐寺大门。我们现在去玩也只能走边门进。透过湖心亭岛。我们看到的便是苏堤六吊桥和西湖群山,西湖三面环山一面临城,在这群山之中有西湖10景的满拢桂雨,双峰插云,更由驰名中外的狮峰山。山上有18棵御封龙井茶树。到现在还有一支武警部队专门守护。每年所采之茶皆要拍卖。大家都知道西湖龙井是国宴茶。在此地大家更能理解龙井为何是10大名茶之首了。茶叶喜阴喜雾,而西湖却恰恰是山环水绕风景宜人。山太高所产茶叶就性寒,如黄山毛峰胃不好的人不可以喝。西湖正好符合所有的条件,更为难得是西湖的土壤是世界上唯一的两块“中性土壤”之一,另一块在斯里兰卡。在这里我要提醒大家的是到了杭州我们一定要知道只有西湖边产的才是西湖龙井,出了西湖区所产叫杭州龙井出了杭州叫浙江龙井。



阮公墩对面是楼外楼,楼外楼创建于清道光二十八年(1848年),是一家具有145年悠久历史的老店,店主从南宋诗人林升《题临安邸》"山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休;暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州作汴州"诗中得到启发而取为"楼外楼"。楼外楼以杭帮菜为主如西湖醋鱼,龙井虾仁等。孙中山、鲁迅、周恩来、陈毅以及外国贵宾西哈努克等中外名人都曾在该店品尝过名菜。 其中周总理九次莅临楼外楼,已传为美谈佳话。现在楼外楼可谓是3个一流2款吃饭之地,一流的菜肴,一流的服务,一流的价格。在此吃饭之人无外呼大款与公款。楼外楼所在之山称为孤山,因自宋代为皇帝宋理宗行宫西太乙宫之后一直为皇室所占,而皇帝自称孤家寡人所以叫孤山。西湖有三怪:长桥不长,断桥不断,孤山不孤。从地质学上讲,孤山是由火山喷出的流纹岩组成的,整个岛是和陆地连在一起的,所以“孤山不孤”。孤山上离楼外楼200米远白色的雕像便是 鉴湖女侠秋瑾之墓。秋瑾因组织推翻清朝政府的武装起义失败,1907年7月15日被害于绍兴轩亭口,年仅31岁。一百年里,秋瑾的灵柩在绍兴、杭州和湖南等地多次迁移最终居于西湖。秋瑾墓再过200米便是一代才女苏小小的幕,苏小小是个美丽而又聪明的女子,自幼父母双亡,寄住 在西陵(西岸)桥畔的姨母家,因生活所迫,沦为歌妓。她多才多艺,能歌善舞,擅长演奏各种乐器。她虽身为歌妓,却很知自爱,不随波逐流。苏小小平时十分喜爱西湖山水,自制了一辆油壁车,独坐车中,叫人推着,遍游湖畔山间。一日,游贾西湖,沿湖堤而行,不期遇到一位少年阮郁,正骑着一匹青骆马迎面而来。两人邂逅相遇,一见钟情。为了表达爱慕之心,苏小小口吟一诗:“妾乘油壁车,郎骑青骢马。何处结同心?西陵松柏下。”阮郁闻知,后来登门求见苏小小,互诉爱慕之情。不久,这对年轻人终于如愿以偿,结成良缘仅过了三个月的婚后幸福生活,阮郁在京做官之父派人来催归。阮郁不违父命,忍心与小小挥泪相别,匆匆而去。自此之后,杏如黄鹤,毫无音讯。苏小小郁郁成疾,临终前,她向身边侍候的人嘱咐道:“我生于西冷,死于西冷,埋骨于西冷,庶不负我苏小小山水之痛。”说毕,奄然而逝。后人慕其才怜其情为其筑以慕才亭,往西100米是武松墓,《水浒传》言武松在杭州出家终老,葬于杭州。原墓20世纪60年代被毁。重新修复的墓都是根据老照片上的图案“依样画葫芦”的,称得上原汁原味。


此处大家看到是西湖四季景致中的平湖秋月。西湖有苏堤春晓,曲苑风荷,平湖秋月,断桥残雪之4季景。康熙三十八年此处由龙王堂改为御书楼。悬挂康熙御题“平湖秋月”匾额。为中秋赏月之佳地。平湖秋月过来便是长达2公里的白堤。此堤是一千多年前的唐朝,为了贮蓄湖水灌溉农田而兴建的。很多人认为是白居易所建。其实 白堤原称“白沙堤”。白居易任杭州刺史时有诗云:“最爱湖东行不足,绿杨荫里白沙堤”,说的就是这条堤。

白堤的特点是一株柳树一株桃,所以每到春天桃红柳绿、芳草如茵。白堤上的第一座桥叫锦带桥,锦带桥在白堤的中段,因拦腰而设,宛如衣冠锦带,所以就有了“锦带桥”这个佳称。又有传说康熙曾在此掉落玉带故名锦带桥,因为我们喊皇帝万岁万岁万万岁故又称长寿桥。 白堤的第2座桥便是家喻户晓的断桥。断桥名字由来说法不一,有说长达1公里的白堤自此而断故为断桥,也有说原名段家桥为段氏人家发家后为便民捐建。其实真正的原由我们可以从西湖十景的名称中去追寻。断桥残雪指西湖大雪初霁,登宝石山往南俯瞰,白堤




钱弘?m北上之后并未出现大臣所言的人为刀俎我为鱼肉之情景,相反赵框胤每日美酒佳爻待以贵客之道。临行之季赵框胤送其锦盒一个,要其回吴越后打开。钱弘?m半路打开之后发现里面全是宋朝大臣们要求把他作为人质的奏折。钱弘?m感激于赵框胤的仁慈宽厚故而回国后将吴越国赠于赵框胤。可以说赵框胤功于心计不仅杯酒释兵权,更是不花一兵一卒统一了中国。这座保?m塔也就是当年其北上之时,其妻子老母担心其安危希望平安归来而建,其意保佑钱弘?m。并非讹传的寡妇为求小叔子平安集资所修。保?m塔 体态修长 ,如同淑女一般与雷峰塔形成对景。保?m如淑女雷峰如老衲。一老一少相得益彰。很多导游说上海金茂大厦就得益于保?m塔,其实不然,金茂大厦是美国SOM公司去西安大雁塔之后,取大雁塔之长并结合中国风水所建。我相信如果他们当时看的是保?m塔的话金茂大厦将会更漂亮。


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