

英语演讲稿2018-04-25 11:51书业网


诚信与责任(人生观)honesty and Responsibility

It is true that most of us value honesty highly. Howev

er, nowadays we often

confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on. I think that we should be honest because being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society. The reasons can be listed as follows.

Firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time.

Secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, can make our life easier and more goodliness.

Thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. A case in point is that Singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a comparatively low criminal rate. Responsibility can be understood in many ways. For the parents, they have had the

responsibility for caring for and fostering their children since the birth of their baby. For teachers, both in kindergartens and colleges, they also should be responsible for the study and life of their students, that is to say, teachers are the second parents of children somewhile. For us, as a friend of others, it is our responsibility to help our friends when they are in trouble or faced with difficulties.

Each one has the different responsibility based on their roles ,but we must take it for granted that we are responsible for the society.


Tolerance and respect

No matter great people or normal people, they all have temper. They will get angry if they feel humiliated, which is understandable. But have we thought whether our over-extreme words will hurt others? For most of the circumstances, people don't have too many conflicts with each other, most of arguments occur just because both sides won't give in.

People all care about their self-respect, especially Chinese. Self-respect is abstract and unpredictable, but is the tinniest standard in Chinese social interactions. When we say respect

others, we mean not to hurt others' self-respect. Respect gives people power and honor. It lives among us though we can't see or hear.

The most impolite thing is to disrespect somebody. They might hate you for a lifetime for this. Learning to respect others is not easy. First, we should show respect form the bottom of our heart without making others think we're superficial. Second, every little action, every small expression might hurt people. I remember a few friends of mine lost their opportunity just because of some small mistakes. For example, if a student asks a teacher a question and the teacher replies that it's easy. The student might feel humiliated and won't ask the teacher again. He might even lose the excitement to learn.

The different backgrounds we have result in our different values. So nobody has the right to force others to accept their ideas. So we have to be tolerant. As long as he or she doesn't violate your basic regulation, why not treat it in a tolerant way? Even if they have made you unhappy, just let it gone with the wind.

To be tolerant, you can’t speak extreme words. You might get in trouble just because of some words you think can bring you temporary pleasure. Even if you're criticizing people, you should try to be mild.

Tolstoy is a great author. But his life is a tragedy, mostly resulted from his marriage. His wife's ever-lasting complain had put him to death. When Tolstoy was 82, he could bear his wife anymore and ran out of his house. He ended up dead in the railway station. Before he died, his only requirement was that his wife wouldn't be allowed to be with him. Lincoln was also like him. Some people say that the greatest tragedy in Lincoln's life wasn't that he was shot dead but his wife, Mary. For 23 years, he had to tolerate his wife's noise.

So come on everybody, show more respect and be more tolerant.










My Attitude towards to Marks 我的分数观

For our students, marks is above everything. Teachers will judge us from our marks. With marks we can be eolled into junior middle schools. With marks, we can be eolled into senior middle schools. With marks we can be eolled into college. With marks we can be eolled into postgraduate and doctrine studies. Still with marks we can be graded and be allowed to go abroad for further studies. Our parents will be strict with us with the marks. Our society judges us from marks. However, sometimes we students compare one another with marks directly. We are completely controlled by marks. We like them and we feel sorry for them. But what attitude towards our marks should we take?

Truly, marks functions cannot be underestimated. In terms of test in our study, marks are fair and real. That is the reason why we say "Everyone is equal before marks.”

However, I think marks are the sole standard to judge the success or failure of students in exams. Sometimes, marks more than ten or less than one or two in our exams comparing with others mean not everything. The success or failure in exams will be influenced by experience on the spot and the examinee's health etc. Once in a while one cannot fail in exams. “Success or failure is common sense for military.” I think everyone is familiar with the famous saying. Don't you think such will be the case with our study? In exams, one cannot be “never-defeated general”. Even though one will be very good in everyday study, he cannot succeed in every exam sometimes. We can get proof from the fact that the very best one we call "Number One Scholar" in the entrance exams for college and ordinary middle school and specialized secondary school over the years is not eminent above all others nor top student in every study.

As a matter of fact, "high marks" and "ability" are not unified. Some time ago, a new phrase “high marks but poor competence”came into being. Once I happened to meet such a teacher as this. It is said that the teacher just graduated from a far-famed key university. But his teaching result is much less than that of the one who just graduated from a not-well-renowned college. When lecturing, the teacher only repeated what the text-books says, which was very dull so that his students' interest in learning was not aroused. His teaching was short of unity of teaching and learning. At present there is a fact that we know a few brilliant and top college graduates are not qualified for their posts. The reason for it may be lack of the ability to combine knowledge learnt from books with pragmatics in their work. Students of this kind will be successful in every exam but they will be able to use freely their knowledge in their posts. Don't you think it waste training such persons for the country?

To sum up from the above, I can say marks are not absolutely authoritative for some. If we neglect training and developing the students' ability and competence and if we only seek for the high marks, we will be absolutely wrong. We should take an objective attitude towards the marks. Neither should we neglect them nor should we overvalue them like a God.






常怀一颗感恩的心 To show our gratitude to people around you

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and distinguished guest! this is alex time! ha-ha…my topic today is to show our gratitude to people around you.

Then what is gratitude? At the moment a well-known song comes into my mind. Yes, that is called heart of feel grateful. My heart is filled up with gratitude because I’m with you/your make me courageous to be myself from cradle to the grave/so now I wanna thank for destiny/I’ll cherish the flower when it blooms until falls. The poetic lyric tells us that gratitude is actually a state of mind.

Once upon a time, the pilgrims took the may flower ship to north America. They started a


Ladies and gentlemen:

It’s my honor to stand here to give the speech. My name is Luo Shuang. I come from Department of Education Science.

Now I’m very excited, because my topic today is “Lei Feng Spirit”. Lei Feng is a household name. On March 1st, our school held“the Launching Ceremony of Millions of college Students Learning from Lei Feng”. As a group of accepting high education, we college students have the responsibility and obligation to set a good example. What should we do to be real educated youth ? It is absolutely meaningless to shout “I want to learn from Lei Feng !” everyday. Actions speak louder than words. we must learn from Lei Feng by action. In fact, “Lei Feng” has emerged in large numbers around us.

Wu Liqiang and Li Jin, who come from Hunan Science College, chose to spend the Spring Festival with people who lived in remote rural areas such as Leishan, Zhijin and Anshun. They took family photos for 68 poor rural families for free. The cold winter become warm because of them. .

Sunflower girl, He Ping, in face of misfortune, she was still optimistic to face life. She tried her best to help others and donate to disaster area. She met the social responsibility of a modern college student by actions.

There are many deeds like this. And we just need to make it become countless. We don’t do it to earn praise or rewards. We do it no matter it is significant or trivial. Do a little everyday and keep it up, then you’ll be warm to others and complete the mission of a up-to-date college student.

At last, please permit me to use Lei Feng’s speech as concluding word:

Human life is limited, but human service is unlimited. I want to devote my limited life to unlimited service for other people . Let us regard it as a rule of life.

Thanks for listening.










学会尊重 学会宽容 学会赞美




千变万化的世界中,一缕阳光,一片绿叶,一只小鸟都会引起学生的遐想,他们会发现、会思考、会探索、会创新。他们的身体里漫溢着无穷的生命力、创造力和想象力,对生活充满智慧和热情。 因为尊重,我们发现;因为发现,我们鼓励。儿童的世界是一个奇妙而梦幻的世界。细小的创造行为因为得到即使的发现与鼓励才能在生命的每一个角落点点滴滴地萌芽。创新是孩子的天性,孩子对新鲜事物充满了好奇,爱探索、爱创新,作为老师“蹲下来”会使我们放下权威,俯下身来,会使我们永远是孩子中的一员,做他们的知心朋友,拿出理解和尊重,同他们在完全平等的基础上对话,用孩子的眼光和心灵去倾听和发现,带着由衷的微笑,融入他们的世界,走进他们的心扉,捕捉孩子创造性思维的火花,鼓励孩子探索,引导他们独立思考,与他们同心协力,携手攀登跋涉,开掘知识的汩汩清泉,获得创新的乐趣。








教育学告诉我们,学生需要教师的赞美, 赞美是师爱的表现。教师没有对学生的热爱,就不会有发自内心的赞美之词教师只有细心捕捉到学生身上瞬间闪现的火花,才会说出言简意赅(gai)、内涵深刻的赞美话语。我班有一位调皮好动表现极差的学生,每上一课都让老师头疼。一次写毛笔字时,写“永”字时,我讲了“永”字八法的一些知识,其他同学都写不好,而他却写得有几分神似。我即使抓住机会当着大家的面表扬鼓励了他,当时他很自豪。以后只要他稍有进步我都及时鼓励。渐渐地一些不良习惯改掉了,而且书法时能触类旁通,很有成绩。教师看上去几句普通的话语,却能起着潜移默化的作用。教师鼓励和赞美学生,他首先就是一个美好的发现者,能看到学生的优点。我们都知道,人都有所长,也都有所短。人的能力是多方面的,他这方面不行,别的方面就可能比别人强,即使是最差劲的人也有优点,即使是很完美的人也有缺点。你的眼睛盯住了什么,就肯定能看到什么。如果你带着欣赏、赞美的眼光,带着审美的心情去看一个人,就必定能从他身上发现美好的东西,这正如罗丹所说:“美是到处都有的,对于我们的眼睛,不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。”



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