

公众演讲2018-02-28 17:42书业网


Good morning everyone.My name is XXX,a student who love standing on the stage to display the ego .Today,I'd like to talk about what i feel when I speaking in the publicas my talent show.

At the very start, let me just say that we both have something in common. You don’t know what I’m going to say --- and neither do I.As a speaker, I’ve only had two complaints from audiences.You may think:This girl does a great job in public speaking .But actually,they think that I talk so loud they can’t fall asleep andI talk so long they can’t stay awake. It drove me crazy when I heard that.

Some people suffer from stage fright. I don’t. You may think:This girl is very brave.Yeah,the stage doesn’t bother me at all. It’s the audience that scares the hell out of me!

However,I got an useful skill after all these,Unnecessary words are the bane of good speeches. Let me repeat that: unne....Oops!I did it again.

Thanks for your listening.


作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒。 As a speaker, I’ve only had two complaints from audiences. One, that I talk so loud they can’t fall asleep. And two, that I talk so long they can’t stay awake. ②:演讲开始时我们有一些共同点,你们不知道我要讲什么——我也不知道。

At the very start, let me just say that we both have something in common. You don’t know what I’m going to say --- and neither do I.

③: 有人有舞台恐惧症,我没有;舞台不会怎么样我,是观众快把我吓死了! Some people suffer from stage fright. I don’t. The stage doesn’t bother me at all. It’s the audience that scares the hell out of me!



Unnecessary words are the bane of good speeches. Let me repeat that…





课程名称: 英语公众演说 课程代码:ENGL110036 开课院系: 外文学院大学英语教学部 考试形式:口试 姓名:李铭鸿 学号:14307130201 专业:光电信息系

Part I: Introduction of the Speaker (40 seconds)

Directions: Introduce the upcoming

speaker?s speech by offering brief information on “who, what, why”, etc. Build enthusiasm for the speaker and his/her topic and establish a welcoming climate. The speech of introduction should not last longer than 40 seconds. [15 points (credited to the introducer)]

Part II: Persuasive Speech (5 minutes)

Directions:You have 5 minutesto give a persuasive speech on a self-chosen topic. No PPT, PREZI or other screen-based visual aid is allowed in this speech. [85 points]

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Write the basic information, full script, and reference information of your speech in the below. (Typing requirements: 10-point Times New Roman, in single-spaced one-column format)

Basic Information of Your Speech:

Central Idea:

Full Script:

You guys couldn?t have missed the blockbuster, Captain America: Civil war. It?s just awesome when we got the sight of the battle between super heroes. But if you were one of them, which side are you standing by, Captain or Iron man, freedom or being recorded? I?m approve of

Iron man, because we are living in human society, where the orders are based on law and trade. Law is above everything, which we learned long time ago. But most people just make law a tool to protect themselves.Actually we all know the word but we aren?t likely to believe it.Many of us still doubt that why heroes should be punished for killing bad guys. Should the law take precedence over everything? For the answer, let?s seek for something above law.

What about people with a proper reason?In 2015, a topic was very hot about that two traffic policeman kneeled to a mother who kneeled to them for her son?s drunk-driving. She did have the reason to protect her son, but should we let him escaping from punishment? Another example, you must have reasons to be angry at a thief who had stolen something from you, and you beat him up. You may think, ?I do have reasons?, but on the other hand the thief must had his reason to do that. Everyone has own reason, which is proper in personal view. That?s why so-proper reason is based on personal interests, proving that we need law as a tool to judge the behaviors, instead of a unilateral reason. As for recognized reason, it just resonates with more people, whose nature don?t change.

What about people with strong feelings and recognized proper reasons? Days before, a father crashed to a criminal in the trial who raped and killed his daughter, as well as other two girls, and the angry father was taken away as warning. I saw many comments telling that he should have killed the criminal himself, or the law shouldn?t stop a father from avenging his daughter?s death. Or they just ask if law were protecting a devil? I believe the criminal can be a devil, but law were not protecting him, but to provent the father from being another devil. If people make these trials on feeling, who can balance the punishment among different cases, judges, and criminals? Everyone have own way to assess a crime, then who should make the decision?. That?s why we need law, for its hard-blood, and for the exact answers which have nothing to do with judge or victims.

In general, law is above everything. It?s beyond human emotion because we made it the top rule in human society. Thank you for listening.


(Format examples)

1.鲁鹏.LU Peng 法治的价值[期刊论文]-烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 2013(2)

2. 鄢立新, 试析人情对法治的干扰与破坏,[期刊论文] 民主与法治,2007.8

In the confusion of ‘faith’ and ‘religion’, some western people cannot understand the belief status in Chinese culture, and some of them even thought we have no faith. Actually there’re no religion but faith in China. Let’s welcome wangjingru to tell about the belif in China.





如果非要用一句话形容张勇学长,小二的感觉就是“跨界传奇”!看看他的经历就知道了:2001年,就读于西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院的他,在第七届“21世纪杯”全国英语比赛西北赛区的主持人选拔赛中,被当时的21世纪英文报主编钦点为西北赛区的主持人(补充下背景知识,当时还实行全国四大赛区的赛制哦~西北赛区包含陕西等若干省份,那时的竞争比现在的以省市为单位的小赛区更激烈。。。),同时力邀他参加次年的全国总决赛,他就这样破格直升全国总决赛,并一路过关斩将拿下季军和“最具潜力奖”,同年5月,代表中国大陆赴伦敦参加当年的世界公众演讲比赛(International Public Speaking Competition),面对来自全球32个国家的52名选手,他谈笑间摘取季军暨“非英语国家最

佳演讲选手”奖(The Best Non-native English Speaker)桂冠,载誉而归。当时,BBC采访他的稿子还登上了《时代周刊》。本科毕业后,他被保送至西安交通大学人工智能与机器人研究所,师从郑南宁院士攻读硕士学位。毕业后,到中央电视台做记者,后又到一家国际知名的公关公司任职。而他的跨界之旅并没有结束,2014年,他又愉快地接受了世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum,就是克强总理去达沃斯参加的那个论坛啦~)的offer,作为这个世界顶尖权威的经济论坛的工作人员加入了它的“全球领袖培训计划”(Global Leadership Fellow Program),开始了一边工作一边在全球顶尖商学院学习的旅程(换成人话就是,世界经济论坛送他到那些你们做梦都想去的学校里,沃顿啊、哥大啊神马的,读最精华的课程!)。说他是个传奇一点不为夸张吧!睁大眼睛,准备好来听这位传奇学长的故事吧~















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