

英文名字2018-09-01 19:09快读网秩名

  The martyr and the clown | 烈士和小丑

  The fire as big | 此火为大

  Time wasted | 年华虚度

  Irresistible | 不可抗拒

  Don't retreat | 不要后退

  Jackdaws | 寒鸦

  The green paper men | 绿纸人

  Peter pan | 小飞侠

  Silver candle | 银烛

  Shyly placed your eyes on | 欲说还休

  Southern leaf | 南聆

  What water DanDan | 水何澹澹

  Spring Steam | 春涧

  Strain every nerve | 竭尽全力

  Go with the flow | 顺其自然

  Nowhere to be found | 无处可寻

  Talent showing itself | 脱颖而出

  For your encouragement | 为你鼓舞

  Pray for you | 为你祈祷



  For you in vain | 为你徒劳

  A pot of nostalgia | 一壶乡愁

  The circulation time | 光阴流转

  Tokyo Station | 东京站

  Kindly accept | 笑纳

  Tattle and prate | 流言蜚语

  You like the north wind | 你似北风

  Hasty years | 仓卒岁月

  Meet in the future | 未来见

  Worry more worry | 愁更愁

  Vertical head | 垂头前

  Pu'er tea | 普洱茶

  In a flagrant way | 明目张胆

  Waste | 白费

  My dog | 我的狗

  A happy ending | 喜剧收尾

  Font | 忐忑

  Acknowledgements | 鸣谢

  Best wishes for you | 为你祝福

  As you start | 为你掌灯

  Kneel | 俯首称臣

  Nine down wind | 九降风

  Katrina | 卡特里娜飓风

  McDull | 麦兜

  Not looking back | 不堪回首

  The West Chu Song | 西面楚歌

  The east cloud to burn | 东边云烧

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