

寓言故事2019-01-15 03:26书业网


The thirsty crow

A crow feels very thirsty,he flies toward a water pot,but the pot is almost empty.He tries his best to drink but in vain.Then he tries to push the pot over,so that the water can flow out.But he can’t move the pot.Just then,he thinks up a bette

r method.One by one he puts stones into the pot.With each stone,the water level gradually increases.At last,the crow drinks the water and satisfies his thirsty.



第二步:将文中的重点句子用福尼斯的方法帮助学生熟读并记住。 第三步:学生试着自己拼读全文,老师给予指导。




篇二:乌鸦喝水 英语故事

Near a big rock there is a bottle,some water is in the bottle, a craw is hot and thirsty , he comes to the bottle, and stands next to the bottle, but he can't drink the water ,beause the bottle neck is ve日y long. He thinks and thinks ,then flys away. Aftre a while ,he comes back with a small stone in his mouth. He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle, the water in the bottle comes up to it's neck.the craw drink the water, he is veny happy.



yi zhī wū yā kǒu kě le dào chǔ zhǎo shuǐ hē wū yā kàn jiàn

一 只 乌 鸦 口 渴 了,到 处 找 水 喝。 乌 鸦 看 见

yí gè píng zǐ píng zǐ lǐ yǒu shuǐ kě shì píng zǐ lǐ shuǐ bù

一 个 瓶 子, 瓶 子 里 有 水。 可 是, 瓶 子 里 水 不

duō píng kǒu yòu xiǎo wū yā hē bù zhuó shuǐ zěn me bàn ne

多, 瓶 口 又 小,乌 鸦 喝 不 着 水。 怎 么 办 呢?

wū yā kàn jiàn páng biān yǒu xǔ duō xiǎo shí zǐ xiǎng chū bàn

乌 鸦 看 见 旁 边 有 许 多 小 石 子, 想 出 办

fǎ lái le

法 来 了。

wū yā bǎ xiǎo shí zǐ yí gè yí gè de fàng jìn píng zǐ lǐ

乌 鸦 把 小 石 子 一 个 一 个 地 放 进 瓶 子 里。

píng zǐ lǐ de shuǐ jiàn jiàn shēng gāo wū yā jiù hē zháo shuǐ le

瓶 子 里 的 水 渐 渐 升 高, 乌 鸦 就 喝 着 水 了。

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