

闭幕词2019-06-11 00:44书业网


Opening session

Distinguished guests and dear friends:

I am honored to welcome you all at Shaan xi Normal University and to this international conference on global environmental change . We are deeply proud to jointly organize this activity with Make.I am very pleased to see here many representatives from

neighboring countries and partner countries, international organizations, project implementers.

I am truly proud of our international community which could show constant interest in the environmental issues of the country and the region by gathering together to discuss the progress, analyze new challenges and agree on the steps of joint efforts towards safe and stable future. It is an expression of a dimension of our mission in this globalize world. It is in fact a constituent of our global responsibility.

With no doubt, the development of economy has contributed throughout history to the betterment of different aspects of the daily life. Today, we are enjoying the gift of nature. Many times, we unfortunately take things for granted. Until one day, we found the nature that we know has changed or distorted beyond recognition, we are facing air pollution, global warming and tainted soil and water. Developments in the field have always continued to take place. Our conference today is a step forward on this long journey.

I’m not going to talk about the “why” and the “what” of this conference, indeed this I would leave to our guests, speakers and participants, to explore and share with us. However, I will simply underline another dimension of this conference’s mission which is commitment to the community.

There is a good tradition to meet regularly to share our ideas and find new and more effective ways of action, to evaluate the results and impact. we seek academic excellence, and nowadays, international exposure of faculty and students has become an essential component of excelling academically. This participation of prominent international speakers in this conference will immensely contribute to our academic atmosphere. Indeed, your experience and knowledge, honorable and

distinguished guests, will also eich our cultural diversity and strengthen it academically. It is in fact a scientific cooperation in a cross-cultural context.

Finally, allow me to express my sincere appreciation for your presence in Xi’An and in this conference. I want to thank the organizers for choosing Xi’An as the venue for this conference and I also want to thank all of you for traveling to our beautiful city. I am confident that you will enjoy your stay and that the conference will be an informative and enjoyable event.

Thank you for your attention.


ng session

Dear friends and colleges,

First of all, I would like to thank Mrs. Make and the organizing committee or having appointed me to serve as the chair of this conference.

We are now very close to the end of this conference. I believe that our conference is a great success. It went smoothly as scheduled. In these two days the conference has covered so many important and complex problems in the flied of global environmental change both theoretical and practical. All the presentations were very illuminating and informative. And the heated panel discussions were very stimulating and fruitful. Now, with great joy and reluctant mind to part, we get together again to declare that the conference has drawn to a successful close.

It’s our hope that the result of the conference will carry the study of global environmental change to a new stage. We all hope to maintain close contact and cooperation with each other in the field of future research work on global environmental change.

As the chair of the conference, I would like to express my thanks again.

Thank you for coming to the 1st international conference of global environmental change.

Thank you to everybody who had contributed to the conference with reports and introductions.

And last but not least, thank you to Mrs. Make for the overall organizing of the conference.

And last, my friends, see you next year in Nanjing, and have a safe trip home, thank you all.


Distinguished [d?’st??gw??t] Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen:

Good Evening!

Tonight,We come to the end of this conference which we will cherish ['t?eri?] forever.

Please accept my congratulations on such a successful conference. I am very encouraged by the success of this conference. This event [i'vent] has demonstrated

['dem?nstreit] that International Culture is very important and interesting and we can all come together to share our resources, ideas, and thoughts). We have been listening to 3 presentations ['prez?n'tei??n]. To have such a program ['pr?uɡr?m] all in one day is a heavy task but in this case it has been really worth [w?:θ] the effort. It has been inspiring [?n'spa??r??] to be here and listen to all the experiences [iks'pi?ri?ns] and viewpoints ['vju:p?int] that have been raised[reizd] from so many different parts of the world.

Thank you to the organizing['?rɡ?'na?z] committee [k?'miti]. all the guest speakers. On behalf of all the members of our Organizing Committee, I wish to express [iks'pres] our sincere [sin'si?] gratitude ['ɡr?titju:d] to all of you who have so actively ['?kt?vl?] participated[pɑ: 'tisipeit] in this conference to make it such a success.

These were truly excellent Conference!

And now, in accordance [?'k?:d?ns] with tradition [tr?'di??n], I declare [di'kl??] the International Culture Conference closed, and I call upon the youth of the world to assemble [?'sembl] four years from now in London to celebrate ['selibreit] the International Culture Conference.

Thank you!




涂 宏



本次活动,做到了全员参与,个个体验,人人快乐。不仅营造了学习英语的浓厚氛围,锻炼了学习应用英语的能力,而且体验了快乐,收获了成功。在比赛中,年级与年级,班级与班级,同学与同学之间,赛出了风格,赛出了水平,更赛出了集体荣誉感和高尚的精神风貌。 快乐而有意义的英语节,是我校一年一度的传统节日,它不仅是一次富有特色的校园英语文化节,而且是一次生动活泼的英语教育实践活动,更是我校英语特色教育实验的大展台。一张张制作精美的英语小报,一首首激情荡漾的英语歌曲,一篇篇极富感染力的英语作文,一幕幕扣人心弦的英语情景剧,一期期极富创意的英语板报,一场场极富挑战性的英语单词竞赛,深深地吸引着每一位同学。同学们,我们参与了,快乐了,我们成功了,让我们为自己喝彩,为取得好成绩的班级和同学喝彩。






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