

赏析2019-07-09 11:23书业网













测绘学院 地球物理学 2010301140003 秦栓栓

《白雪公主》的背景音乐分八个部分:??1. I'm Wishing ??2. One Song ??3. With a Smile and the Song ??4. Whistle While You Work ??5. Heigh-ho ??6. Blubble-Ubble-Um-Dum (The Washing Song) ??7. The Dwarf Yodel Song (The Silly Song) ??8. Some Day My Prince Will Come ??由 Frank Churchill 、Leigh Harline 、Paul J. Smith 负责配乐,歌曲部分则是由 Frank Churchill 作曲,Larry Morey 作词。 这些音乐在动画片中除为了直接加强气氛外,也可以起反讽的作用,动画歌曲是动画音乐中的一个重要部分。分主题歌和插曲,对推动情节和揭示情感有着重要的作用,极富感染力。.音乐进入动画片中以后,成为动画片这个综合艺术的一个有机部分,是一种新的音乐体裁。它在突出动画片的感情、加强动画片的戏剧性、渲染动画片的气氛方面起着特殊的作用。但另一方面,在溶入动画片以后,在它的表现形式上也发生了相应的较大的变化。

《白雪公主》音乐的创作和构思根据动画片的创作要素,即题材、内容、风格样式、人物性格等因素和条件,使其音乐的听觉形象和画面的视觉形象完美融合,体现出导演的总体构思和美学欣赏原则。 动画音乐改变了以前音乐必须是用"乐音"构成的传统观念,和动画中的话语、音响等结合,形成了新的分段陈述的结构,并和"噪音"一起相结合,有时音乐与语言结合,有时音乐和音响效果结合,有时与两者都结合去恰如其分地表现抒情性、戏剧性气氛,成为一种新形式。





本片是世界电影史上第一部长动画片,根据格林童话改编,迪斯尼公司出品。《白雪公主和七个小矮人》主要讲了,从前有个夫妇,生了个女孩叫白雪公主,后来她的母亲死了,她的父亲找了个后妈,后妈以为自己是最漂亮的女人,当得知白雪公主比她漂亮时,要把她杀了。后妈派了猎人去杀,并把心脏带回来。猎人舍不得杀公主,就杀了头猪骗了后妈。而白雪公主走到深山老林,当了不速之客,跟小矮人住在一起。后妈得知后,化妆成老太婆多次向白雪公主卖东西,而白雪公主每次被骗,都被小矮人救了回来。当白雪公主吃了毒苹果时,再也救不回来了。小矮人就把公主安放在水晶棺材里。一天,王子发现了这公主,亲了一下就活过来了,然后王子和白雪公主快快乐乐,幸福地生活的故事。这部影片的艺术成就在于:它第一次拓展了动画片的容量;采用了多层次动画摄影机;赋予影片画面以鲜明的构思层次、透视关系和景深感。白雪公主和七个小矮人的剧情应该算是有惊无险的,完美的童话式的结局。 从故事中我们可以看出,正是由于王后的妒忌,心狠手辣造成了她的后果,由此可看出人心的不同。现实生活中,人与人之间的交往也是如此;当你找到一份工作时,由于你的出色成绩,被上司所看重,一步步地提升你,但有人却提醒她:“有一天她会抢了你的位置。”对你的提防越来越严重,当和你争夺同一个位置时,在背后耍尽手段,用一切可以利用的手段击垮你,但最后失败的往往是他。这证明,老天对人很公平,你用心去做地永远属于你;用尽手段做地永远离开你,人生就是这个样子!“好人有好报;恶人有恶报。”你用心去对待每一个人或每一件事,得到你该得到的;用手段对待每一个人或每一件事,得到你该得的报应。告别过去,召唤未来。





小学版 第一级)

Snow White

Chapter 1

A Beautiful Princess

There lives a beautiful princess.

Her hair is as black as ebony.

Her lips are as red as blood.

Her skin is as white as snow.

So she is called Snow White.

One day her mother gets very sick and dies.

Snow White has a stepmother.

The stepmother is beautiful.

And she is very proud of it.

She has a magic mirror.

One day she asks the mirror,

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful of all?"

The mirror answers, "You are beautiful, my Queen.

But Snow White is more beautiful."

The Queen hates Snow White.

She says to a hunter, "Kill Snow White!"

The hunter takes Snow White into the forest.

But he can't kill her.

"Run away, Princess!" he says.

Snow White runs and runs.

Oh, poor princess! She is lost in the forest.

Then she sees a small house.

She goes into the house.

There are seven small chairs.

There are seven small cups on the table.

There are seven small beds too.

She is very tired. She falls asleep on a small bed.

Chapter 2

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

The seven dwarves come home.

They see Snow White.

"Oh, a girl is sleeping here.

She is very beautiful! " they say.

Snow White opens her eyes.

She tells her story to the dwarves.

"Stay with us, Snow White!" say the dwarves.

One day the Queen asks the mirror,

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful of all?"

"Snow White is the most beautiful," answers the mirror.

What? She is dead!" shouts the Queen.

"No, she is alive.

She lives with the seven dwarves in the forest," says the mirror.

"I will kill Snow White," says the Queen.

She dresses as an old woman.

Then she goes to the dwarves' house.

"Look at these ribbons! Do you want one?" she asks Snow White.

"Yes. They are beautiful," says Snow White.

"I will tie this ribbon for you."

The old woman ties the ribbon very fight.

Snow White falls to the floor.

"Now she is dead." The Queen goes away.

That evening the dwarves come home.

They find Snow White.

Quickly they cut the ribbon.

Snow White opens her eyes.

Chapter 3

The Apple with Poison

"Oh, my! Snow White is not dead." The Queen is angry.

She dresses as another old woman.

"Beautiful combs!" she says to Snow White.

"I will comb your hair."

The old woman puts the comb in Snow White's hair.

But the comb has poison!

Snow White falls to the floor.

That evening the dwarves come home.

They find the comb in Snow White's hair.

They take out the comb.

Snow White opens her eyes.

"No way! Snow White is still alive."

The Queen is very angry.

This time she takes an apple.

Half of the apple is red and half is green.

She puts poison on the red half.

The Queen dresses as a farmer's wife.

"Sweet apples! Taste one," says the farmer's wife.

"I can't eat it. I must be careful!" says Snow White.

"Look! I will eat the apple first," says the farmer's wife.

She eats the green part. And she is OK!

Snow White eats the red part.

And she falls to the floor!

The dwarves come home.

Oh, no! Snow White is dead! They cry and cry.

They put Snow White in a glass box.

Then they carry her into the forest.

Chapter 4

At the Wedding

One day a prince rides into the forest.

He sees Snow White in the glass box.

He sees the dwarves around the glass box, too.

The Prince says to the dwarves, "I am a prince.

She is very beautiful. I want to take her with me. I love her."

"OK. Take her with you," say the dwarves.

The Prince's men carry the glass box.

But one

of them trips over a tree. The glass box falls.

Then the piece of apple comes out of Snow White's mouth!

"Where am I? Who are you?" asks Snow White.

"I am a prince," says the Prince.

"I love you. Will you be my wife?"

It is the Prince and Snow White's wedding day.

The Queen asks the mirror, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, Who is the most beautiful of all?" "The Prince's bride is the most beautiful," answers the mirror.

The Queen is very angry.

"Who is the Prince's bride?" she shouts.

She goes to the wedding.

There she sees Snow White! She can't believe her eyes.

"I did bad things to Snow White.

The Prince will not forgive me," she says.

She is very afraid. She runs away.

And no one sees her again.

Act 1

A Beautiful Princess

Snow White: I am a princess. My skin is as white as snow.

So I am called Snow White.

(sadly) My mother is dead.

So my stepmother is the Queen now.

Queen: (to the mirror) Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful of all?

Mirror: You are beautiful, my Queen.

But Snow White is more beautiful.

Queen: (shouting) What? Oh, I will kill her!

Hunter, take Snow White into the forest

and kill her!

(in the forest)

Hunter: I can't kill you. Run away, Princess!

(Snow White runs away.)

Snow White: Oh, there is a small house.

(She knocks on the door, but no one answers.)

I'm so hungry and tired. I will go inside.

Snow White: (looking around) There are seven small chairs.

There are seven small beds, too.

(yawning) Oh, I'm so sleepy.

(She falls asleep on a small bed.)

Act 2

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

(The seven dwarves come home.)

Dwarf 1: Who are you?

Snow White: I'm Snow White.

My stepmother, the Queen, wants to kill me.

So I ran away from her.

Dwarf 2: Oh, poor princess! Stay with us.

(at the palace)

Queen: (to the mirror) Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

Who is the most beautiful of all?

Mirror: Snow White is the most beautiful.

She lives with the seven dwarves in the forest.

Queen: (shouting) Oh, no! I will go there and kill her!

(The Queen goes to the dwarves' house.)

Queen: (dressed as an old woman) Look at these ribbons. Snow White: They are beautiful.

Queen: I will tie this ribbon for you.

(She ties the ribbon very tight.)

Snow White: (falling to the floor) Oh, no! Help! Help! Queen: Ha-ha. She is dead!

(The dwarves come home. They cut the ribbon.)

Dwarf 1: Be careful, Snow White!

The old woman was the Queen.

Snow White: Thank you. I will be careful.

Act 3

The Apple with Poison

Queen: No way! Snow White is not dead.

Last time I put a poisoned comb in her hair.

But the dwarves took it out.

This time I will make a poisoned apple.

Then the dwarves can't help her.

(The Queen puts poison on the red half of the apple.)

(The Queen goes to the dwarves' house.)

Queen: (dressed as a farmer's wife)

Sweet apples! Taste one.

Snow White: I can't eat it. I must be very careful! Queen: (holding the poisoned apple)

I will eat this green part first.

And you can eat the red part.

(eating the green part) Look, I'm OK!

(Snow White eats the red part. And she falls to the floor.) Queen: Ha-ha! Now she is dead!

(The dwarves come home.)

Dwarf 1: (crying) Oh, no! Open your eyes, Snow White. Dwarf 2: (crying) Snow White is dead!

(The dwarves put Snow White in a glass box.

Then they carry her into the forest.)

Act 4

At the Wedding

(The Prince sees Snow White in the

glass box. He sees the dwarves, too.)

Prince: Hello, Dwarves. I'm a prince.

I want to take her with me. I love her.

Dwarves: OK. Take her with you.

Prince: Carry the glass box to the palace. Be careful.

(But the Prince's man trips over a tree.

The glass box falls. Then the piece of

apple comes out of Snow White's mouth.)

Snow White: Where am I? Who are you?

Prince: I am a prince. I love you. Will you be my wife? Snow White: Yes, I will.

(It is the Prince and Snow White's wedding day.)

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