

考场素材2021-01-27 09:17书业网

1. Do you think honesty is going out of style?Why or why not?

a: According to a recent poll, a mumble of high school students have cheated on exams.

b:Yes,I have heard of that.

a: Since it's so common in high school students. Do you think honesty is going out of style?

b:No,I don't think so.

a:What's your reason?

b:I think honesty is a virtue no matter in the past or present. And people need to know one another to be at their honest best. Honesty is still an important quality to human beings today.

2. What's your attitude towards cheating on exams?

a: According to a recent poll, a mumble of high school students have cheated on exams.

b:Yes,I have heard of that.

a: This phenomenon is becoming more and more serious recently. What’s your attitude towards this behavior?

b: Although the reasons why many students cheat on exams are complex, I’m opposed to this behavior. Cheating on exams not only breaks the school rules but also breaks the morality rules.

3. What’s your solution to the elimination of cheating on exams?

a:As we all know, the phenomenon of cheating on exams in high school is rather serious nowadays. A numble of high school students have cheated on exams. b:Something must be done to prevent this problem from getting worse.

a:I agree with you. In my opinion, a severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating. What’s your idea?

b: As students gain confidence in themselves and their abilities, they are less likely to cheat. So I think teachers should trust students and we students should improve our self-confidence.

4.Would you like to tell me something about intelligence?

a: Have you ever received an intelligence test?

b:Yes,I have received intelligence tests twice.

a: What do you think about the score of these tests?

b:I think intelligence test is just one of the ways which can reveals our intelligence levels. We can’t depend on it completely to judge our intelligence. a: What can judge one’s intelligence level in your opinion?

b:I think the ability of solving a problem can reveal one’s intelligence level.

5.Why there is much more in intelligence than just being able to score high on intelligence test?

a: Have you ever received a intelligence test?

b:Yes,I have received intelligence tests twice.

a: According to your experience, do you think there is much more in intelligence than just being able to score high on intelligence test?

b:In my opinion, the high score may just mean that someone is very good at answering the type of academic questions, or the people who score high have similar intellectual bents to the people who make up the intelligence tests.

a:I agree with you, so a intelligence test can’t judge one’s intelligence level exactly. It’s just a kind of tool.

6. What kind of feeling do you have when you are praised?

a: Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit. Have you ever been praised by anyone else?

b: Yes, there are still several times of praise from my teachers remaining fresh in my memory.

a: What kind of feeling do you have when you are praised?

b:Of course I am happy. For instance, when I got some praise from my teacher in my composition, I was very happy. Because these words proved that my teacher

had been aware of my progress and I had done a good job.

a:Yes,everybody wants to be praised, so just praise your friends around you and it will bring you happiness in return.

7.Do you think praise is more profitable for the growth and development for a young student?

a: Have you ever been praised by your teachers?

b:Yes,there are still several times of praise remaining fresh in my memory.

a: Do you think praise is more profitable for the growth and development for a young student?

b:Yes,I think praise and encouragement is the key to the growth and development for a young student. Young students need more confidence than the adult, they should be praised when they get some progress.

a:I agree with you. Much praise should be given to young students for the growth and development.

8. What about criticism?

a: Have you ever been criticized by anyone else?

b:Yes,there are still several times of criticism remaining fresh in my memory.

a: Do you think criticism is more profitable for the growth and development for a young student?

b:No,I don’t think so.

a: But criticism is useful to punish young students when they have done something wrong. What’s your opinion about this?

b:Young students can’t avoid doing something wrong, after all they are very young.

Proper criticism is necessary when students have done something very serious. But too much criticism can only make things worse.

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